CPR and First Aid Introduction

You have chosen to take a course in CPR and First Aid. Learning the material will allow you to become well rounded in emergency medical intervention. You can not pick and choose an emergency, by its definition the occurrence is unpredictable. Situation might require you to know CPR, and also First Aid. If the victim is in need of both, it will be hard to help if you have no knowledge of performing one or the other.

At eCPRcertification.com we strongly encourage our students to take both courses so you are prepared to be in control of the situation until emergency responders arrive. The coursework has been developed with concentration on action. Knowing your plan of action will allow you to execute effectively, and ultimately help someone in need.

We expect the coursework will take you an hour to complete, at the end of which you can take the examination. If passed, you can purchase the certificates for both categories (CPR and First Aid) and if prefer have them mailed to you.

As always, should you have any questions about the material or otherwise use contact us button to send a question. We will get back to you promptly.